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Tenzin Dickie (red.), Old Demons, New Deities. 21 Short Stories from Tibet, OR Books 2017
Bhuchung D. Sonam (red.), Burning the Sun’s Braids. New Poetry from Tibet, Blackneck Books 2017
Pema Tseden, Tharlo: Short Story and Film Script, Hong Kong University 2017
Pema Tseden, Enticement: Stories of Tibet, Sunny Press 2018
Tsering Dondrup, The Handsome Monk and Other Stories, Columbia University Press 2018
Sonam Dolkar, Chinese Influences on Modern Tibetan Writings: A Study of Selected Writings of Yidam Tsering and Dhondup Gyal, Om Publications 2019
Sangngak Tenzin Rinpoche, A White Conch Spiraling Toward Happiness: Poems of a Tibetan Master, Vajra Books 2019
Tenzin Tseyang Gonsar, Dogs of TCV: A Collection of Stories, Independently 2020
Karma Chodak Gyatso, Rimbaud’s Grave, KCG 2020
Tsering Wangyal, Another Place. A Novel, Blackneck Books 2020
Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Revolute, Albion Books 2021
Bhuchung Sonam, Songs from Dewachen, Blackneck Books 2021
Thubten Samphel, Copper Mountain, Blackneck Books 2021
Wangdu, Wangdu’s Diary, Blackneck Books 2021
Pema Tsewang Shastri, Cold West Warm East, Blackneck Books 2021
Ten Phun, The Stone Flower, Blackneck Books 2021
Soenam T. Jamyangling, My Son of Tibet – Never Give Up!, The Swedish Tibetan School and Culture Society 2021
Tsering Yangzom Lama, We Measure the Earth with Our Bodies, Bloomsbury Publishing 2022
K. Goswami, Reimagining Tibet. Politics of Literary Representation, Routledge India 2022
Tsering Yangkyi, Flowers of Lhasa, Balestierpress 2022
Modom Lodro Chotso, The Tragedy of the Modom House, Blackneck Books 2023
Chime Lama, Sphinxlike, Finishing Line Press 2024
Lekey Leidecker, Learning Tibetan, Blackneck Books 2024
Tenzin Nyima, Murder of Tenzin, Blackneck Books 2024
Kalsang Yangzom, Carrying Memories, Blackneck Books 2024
Bhuchung D. Sonam, Phallus, Blackneck Books 2024
Sonam Tsomo Chashutsang, Forty-Nine Days, Blackneck Books 2024
Biuro Informacji w Dharamsali, Tybet: Fakty mówią za siebie (biała księga), PSPT 1993
International Commission of Jurists, The Question of Tibet and the Rule of Law, 1959
International Commission of Jurists, Tibet and the Chinese People’s Republic, 1960
Ch. Mullin, Phuntsog Wangyal, The Tibetans: Two Perspectives on Tibetan-Chinese Relations, Minority Rights Group 1983
Information Office, Tibet-84: 25 Years of Struggle and Reconstruction, Dharamsala 1984
Paul Ingram, Tibet: The Facts, Tibetan Young Buddhist Association 1984
Amnesty International, China: Torture and Ill-Treatment of Prisoners, 1987
AsiaWatch, Human Rights in Tibet, 1988
AsiaWatch, Evading Scrutiny, 1988
Information Office, Government Resolutions and International Documents on Tibet, Dharamsala 1989
AsiaWatch, Merciless Repression, 1990
International Campaign for Tibet, Forbidden Freedoms – Control of Religion in Tibet, 1990
Amnesty International, PRC: Torture and Ill-Treatment, 1990
Amnesty International, PRC (TAR): One Year Under Martial Law, 1990
Amnesty International, PRC (TAR): Recent Reports on Political Prisoners in Tibet, 1991
TIN/LAWASIA, Defying the Dragon: China and Human Rights in Tibet, 1991
J. Ackerley, The Long March, International Campaign for Tibet 1991
International Campaign for Tibet, Environmental Materials on Tibet, 1991
UN Commission on Human Rights, Situation in Tibet: Note and Annexes, E/CN.4/1992/37, 1992
Amnesty International, PRC (TAR): Repression in Tibet 1987-1992, 1992
Human Rights Watch, Political Prisoners in Tibet, 1992
A. Forbes, C. McGranahan, Developing Tibet? A Survey of International Development Projects, ICT 1992
Department of Information and International Relations, Tibet: Environment and Development Issues, Dharamsala 1992
International Campaign for Tibet, Nuclear Tibet: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Waste on the Tibetan Plateau, 1993
International Campaign For Tibet, China’s Public Relations Strategy on Tibet, 1993
Department of Information and International Relations, Dharamsala and Beijing: Initiatives and Correspondence 1981-93, 1994
S. Leckie, Destruction by Design: Housing Rights Violations in Tibet, Cohre 1994
Asia Watch, Detained in China and Tibet, HRW 1994
Human Rights Watch, Organ Procurement and Judicial Execution in China, 1994
Amnesty International, PRC (TAR): Persistent Human Rights Violations in Tibet, 1995
Tibet Information Network, Human Rights Watch, Odcinanie głowy węża… Tybet w latach 1994-1995: Więcej kontroli, PSPT 1996
Human Rights Watch / Asia, Death by Default: a Policy of Fatal Neglect in China’s State Orphanages, HRW 1996
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, One More Year of Political Repression, 1996
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, China in Tibet: Striking Hard Against Human Rights, 1997
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, The Next Generation: State of Education in Tibet Today, 1997
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 1996, 1997
International Commission of Jurists, Tibet: Human Rights and the Rule of Law, 1997
Human Rights Watch, China: State Control of Religion, 1998
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Tibet: Crackdown on Humanity, 1998
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Behind Bars: Prison Conditions in Tibet, 1998
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Closing the Doors: Religious Repression in Tibet, 1998
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Fearless Voices: Accounts of Tibetan Former Political Prisoners, 1998
Tibet Information Network, C. Bass, Education in Tibet: Policy and Practice since 1950, TIN, ZED Books 1998
Tibet Information Network, Political Campaigns, 1998
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 1997, 1998
Tibet Information Network, A Poisoned Arrow, 1998
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Tibet: Tightening of Control, 1999
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Opowieści grozy: Tortury w Tybecie, HFPC 1999
Human Rights Watch, Profiles of Tibetan Exiles, 1999
Tibet Information Network, Relative Freedom?, 1999
Tibet Information Network, Polityka przenoszenia ludności, HFPC 1999
Tibet Information Network, A Sea of Bitterness, 1999
Tibet Information Network, Zło społeczne. Prostytucja i pornografia w Lhasie, HFPC 1999
Tibet Information Network, Hostile Elements, 1999
Tibet Information Network, A Struggle of Blood & Fire, 1999
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 1998, 1999
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Informacje dla turystów, HFPC 1999
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Enforcing Loyalty, 2000
Departament Informacji i Stosunków Zagranicznych (DIIR), Polityka Chin w Tybecie. Walka na śmierć i życie ze starożytną cywilizacją, HFPC 2000
Departament Informacji i Stosunków Zagranicznych (DIIR), Nowa kultura socjalistyczna a kultura Tybetu, HFPC 2000
Tibet Information Network, China’s Great Leap West, 2000
Tibet Information Network, Rukhag 3: Mniszki z więzienia Drapczi, HFPC 2000
Tibet Information Network, Różne głosy: Media w Tybecie, HFPC 2000
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 1999, 2000
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Impoverishing Tibetans, 2000
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Racial Discrimination in Tibet, 2000
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, TCHRD Review, 2000
Tibet Information Network, Niewidzialne kajdany. Sytuacja byłych więźniów politycznych w Tybecie, HFPC 2001
Tibet Information Network, Propaganda i Zachód: Chiny walczą o zmianę wizerunku „sprawy Tybetu”, HFPC 2001
International Campaign for Tibet, Jampa: The Story of Racism in Tibet, 2001
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 2000, 2001
Tibet Information Network, Siedemnastopunktowa Ugoda: Punkt zwrotny w historii Tybetu; Tło historyczne, HFPC 2001
Steven D. Marshall, Suppressing Dissent – Hostile Elements II, 2001
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Drapczi: Najgorsze więzienie Tybetu, HFPC 2001
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, Tybet w 2001 roku, 2002
Free Tibet Campaign, Beijing 2008: Taking a Bet on the Olympic Ideal, 2002
Human Rights Watch, Dangerous Minds: Political Psychiatry in China Today and its Origins in the Mao Era, 2002
Friends of the Earth, International Rivers Network, Free Tibet Campaign, Students for a Free Tibet, Rogue Traders: A Report on Morgan Stanley’s Financing of Socially and Environmentally Controversial Projects in Asia, 2002
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2001: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2002
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Destruction of Serthar Institute: A Special Report, 2002
Department of Information and International Relations, Tibet Under Communist China: 50 Years, 2002
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees in 2001, 2002
Tibet Justice Center, Tibet’s Stateless Nationals: Tibetan Refugees in Nepal, 2002
Steven D. Marshall, In the Interests of the State: Hostile Elements III – Political Imprisonment in Tibet, 1987-2001, TIN 2002
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 2001, 2002
Tibet Justice Center, Tibet: Current Environment and Development Issues 2002, 2002
Central Tibetan Administration, Speaking for Tibet at the UN WSSD: A Shadow Report, 2002
Environment and Development Desk, DIIR, Tibet’s Environment: A Crucial Issue for the 2OO2 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development, 2002
Environment and Development Desk, DIIR, Tibet’s Water: Asia’s Threatened Life Blood, 2002
A. Fischer, Poverty by Design: The Economics of Discrimination in Tibet, Canada Tibet Committee 2002
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Dispossessed: Land and Housing Rights in Tibet, 2002
Free Tibet Campaign, Hu Jintao, Reformer or Conformist?, 2002
Tibet Information Network, Delivery and Deficiency: Health and Health care in Tibet, 2002
Tibet Information Network, Mining Tibet: Mineral exploitation in Tibetan areas of the PRC, 2002
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, Tybet w 2002 roku, 2003
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2002: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2003
Free Tibet Campaign, Telling Olympic Lies: SARS, the IOC and Beijing 2008, 2003
Department of Information and International Relations, Tibet 2003: State of the Environment
A Roadmap for Collaborative Development, 2003
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees; 2002 Update, 2003
International Campaign for Tibet, Crossing the Line: China’s Railway to Lhasa, Tibet, 2003
Tibet Information Network, TIN News Review 2002, 2003
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, Tybet w 2003 roku, 2004
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2003: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2004
Tibet Information Network, Więźniowie polityczni w Tybecie – zmiana trendu, 2004
Human Rights Watch, Tenzin Delek – losy tybetańskiego mnicha, HFPC 2004
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Unjust Sentence: A Special Report on Trulku Tenzin Delek, 2004
Rights and Democracy, Economic dimensions of autonomy and the Right to Development, 2004
International Campaign for Tibet, When the Sky Fell to Earth: the New Crackdown on Buddhism in Tibet, 2004
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Refugees, 2003 Update, 2004
Tibet Information Network, Unity and Discord: Music and Politics in Contemporary Tibet, 2004
Tibet Information Network, Tibetan Medicine in Contemporary Tibet: Health and Health Care in Tibet II, 2004
Tibet Information Network, Tibet 2003 – A Yearbook: Reports from Tibet, 2004
Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, Tybet w 2004 roku, 2005
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2004: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2005
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, State of Education in Tibet: A Human Rights Perspective, 2005
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, “Strike Hard” Campaign: China’s crackdown on political dissidence, 2005
Tibet Justice Center, Violence, Deiscrimination and Neglect Towards Tibetan Children, 2005
Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibet: The Gap between Fact and Fabrication – Tibetan response to China’s White Papers, 2005
A. Fischer, State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: Challenges of Recent Economic Growth, Nias Press 2005
International Campaign for Tibet, 2004 Refugee Report: Dangerous Crossing – 2004 Update, 2005
Tibetan Women’s Association, An Alternative Report on Gender Equality in China, 2005
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees – 2005 Update, 2006
O. Alme, M. Vagen, Silenced: China’s Great Wall of Censorship, Amaryllis 2006
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees – 2006 Update, 2007
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Human Rights Situation in Tibet, Annual Report 2006, 2007
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Prisoners of Tibet, 2007
Human Rights in China, Minority Rights Group International, China: Minority Exclusion, Marginalization and Rising Tensions, 2007
International Campaign for Tibet, The Communist Party as Living Buddha: The Crisis Facing Tibetan Religion Under Chinese Control, 2007
Human Rights Watch, No One Has the Liberty to Refuse – Tibetan Herders Forcibly Relocated in Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, and the Tibetan Autonomous Region, 2007
Tibet Watch, Perversities of Extreme Dependence and Unequal Growth in the TAR, 2007
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2007: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2008
International Campaign for Tibet, Tracking the Steel Dragon: How China’s economic policies and the railroad are transforming Tibet, 2008
Human Rights Watch, Appeasing China: Restricting the Rights of Tibetans in Nepal, 2008
International Campaign for Tibet, Tibet at a Turning Point: The Spring Uprising and China’s New Crackdown, 2008
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Human Rights Situation in Tibet, Annual Report 2008, 2009
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Uprising in Tibet 2008, Documentation of protests in Tibet, 2009
Environment and Development Desk, DIIR, China’s Train, Tibet’s Tragedy, 2009
International Campaign for Tibet, An uncertain welcome: how China’s influence impacts Tibetans in Nepal, 2009
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees, 2007-8, 2009
International Campaign for Tibet, Like Gold That Fears No Fire: New writing from Tibet, 2009
E. G. Recio, J. Sierra, Tales in the Silence. Testimonies of Tibetan ex-political prisoners, Blurb 2009
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2009: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2010
International Campaign for Tibet, A Raging Storm: The Crackdown on Tibetan Writers and Artists after Tibet’s Spring 2008 Protests, 2010
International Campaign for Tibet, A Fragile Welcome: China’s influence on Nepal and its impact on Tibetans, 2010
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees, 2010
Human Rights Watch, I Saw It with My Own Eyes: Abuses by Chinese Security Forces in Tibet, 2008-2010, 2010
International Campaign for Tibet, A sharp knife above his head: the trials and sentencing of three environmentalist brothers in Tibet, 2010
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2010: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2011
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees in 2010, 2011
Tibet Justice Center, Tibet’s Stateless Nationals II: Tibetan Refugees in India, 2011
International Campaign for Tibet, 60 Years of Chinese Misrule: The Case for Cultural Genocide in Tibet, 2012
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2011: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2012
Dhomay Alliance for Freedom and Justice, Iron Hare 2011 – flames of resistance: A detailed account of the historic Self Immolation Protest against China’s oppression by Tibetans, 2012
International Campaign for Tibet, Dangerous Crossing: Conditions Impacting the Flight of Tibetan Refugees – 2011 Update, 2012
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Into Thin Air: An Introduction to Enforced Disappearances in Tibet, 2012
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2012: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2013
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Religious Repression in Tibet: Special Report 2012, 2013
International Campaign for Tibet, Storm in the Grasslands: Self-immolations in Tibet and Chinese policy, 2013
Human Rights Watch, They Say We Should Be Grateful: Mass Rehousing and Relocation in Tibetan Areas of China, 2013
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Universal Periodic Review and China’s Human Rights Record in Tibet, 2013
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Ending Impunity: Crimes Against Humanity in Tibet, 2013
A. Fischer, The Disempowered Development of Tibet in China A Study in the Economics of Marginalization, Lexington Books 2013
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2013: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2014
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Gulags of Tibet, 2014
Human Rights Watch, Under China’s Shadow: Mistreatment of Tibetans in Nepal, 2014
International Campaign for Tibet, Acts of significant evil. The criminalization of Tibetan self-immolations, 2014
Tibet Watch, Environmental Protests on the Tibetan Plateau, 2015
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2014: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2015
International Campaign for Tibet, Torture and Impunity – 29 Cases of Tibetan Political Prisoners, 2015
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, In the Shadow of Development: Maternal and Child Health in Crisis in Tibet. Special Report on the Right to Health, 2015
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Wasted Lives: A Critical Analysis of China’s Campaign to End Tibetan Pastoral Lifeways, 2015
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Rule by Law: Special Report on the Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics, 2015
Human Rights Watch, One Passport, Two Systems: China’s Restrictions on Foreign Travel by Tibetans and Others, 2015
International Campaign for Tibet, Blue Gold from the Highest Plateau: Tibet’s Water and Global Climate Change, 2015
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2015: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2016
Human Rights Watch, Relentless. Detention and Prosecution of Tibetans under China’s Stability Maintenance Campaign, 2016
Tibet Justice Center, Tibet’s Stateless Nationals III: The Status of Tibetan Refugees in India, 2016
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2016: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2017
International Campaign for Tibet, Shadow of Dust across the Sun: How Tourism Is Used to Counter Tibetan Cultural Resilience, 2017
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Bilingual Education Policy in Tibet: The Systematic Replacement of Tibetan Language with Mandarin Chinese, 2017
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Prisoners of Conscience in Tibet. Special Report 2016, 2017
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Inevitable Imprisonment: Arbitrary Detention and its Effects on the Exercise of Universal Rights in Tibet, 2017
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2017: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2018
International Campaign for Tibet, Access Denied: China’s enforced isolation of Tibet, and the case for reciprocity, 2018
International Campaign for Tibet, Destruction, commercialization, fake replicas. UNESCO Must Protect Tibetan Cultural Heritage, 2018
Human Rights Watch, “Illegal Organizations”. China’s Crackdown on Social Groups in Tibet, 2018
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2018: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2019
International Campaign for Tibet, Damming Tibet’s Rivers: New Threats to Tibetan Area under UNESCO Protection, 2019
Australia Tibet Council, An Iron Fist in a Green Glove. Emptying Pastoral Tibet with China’s National Parks, 2019
Human Rights Watch, China’s “Bilingual Education” Policy in Tibet. Tibetan-Medium Schooling Under Threat, 2020
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2019: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2020
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Barriers to Exercising Right to a Fair Trial in Tibet, 2020
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Surveillance and Censorship in Tibet, 2020
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Distorted Development: Chinese Discourse on the Right to Development and its Implementation in Tibet, 2021
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2020: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2021
Human Rights Watch, “Prosecute Them with Awesome Power”. China’s Crackdown on Tengdro Monastery and Restrictions on Communications in Tibet, 2021
Tibet Action Institute, Separated From Their Families, Hidden From the World: China’s Vast System of Colonial Boarding Schools Inside Tibet, 2021
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Unsustainable Futures: China’s Eco-compensation on Tibetan Grassland, 2021
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2021: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2022
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy and Asian Dignity Initiative, Sucked Our Marrow: Tibetan Language and Education Rights under Xi Jinping, 2022
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2022: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2023
International Campaign for Tibet, National Parks, Rural Revitalization? A Report on the Future of Tibet’s Peopled Landscapes, 2024
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Chinese Transnational Repression of Tibetan Diaspora Communities, 2024
Asia Freedom Institute, The Next Dalai Lama. Collected Statements, Writings and Documents, AFI 2024
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Annual Report 2023: Human Rights Situation in Tibet, 2024
Human Rights Watch, “Educate the Masses to Change Their Minds”. China’s Forced Relocation of Rural Tibetans, 2024
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Dissenting Voices. The State of Expression in Tibet, 2025
Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook: the Travel Guide, with Bhutan, Footprint Handbooks 1999
V. Chan, Tibet Handbook. A Pilgrimage Guide, Moon Publications 1994
Kotan Publishing, Mapping the Tibetan World, 2000
S. Batchelor, The Tibet Guide: Central and Western Tibet, Wisdom 1998
K. Dowman, The Power-Places of Central Tibet, RKP 1988
G. McCue, Trekking in Tibet: A Traveler’s Guide, Second Edition, Mountaineers Books 1999
Bod rang skyong ljongs srid ‘dzin sa khul gyi sa bkra (mapa), Tibet und seine Nachbarn (indeks), Bonn 1995
Amnye Machen Institute, Map and Index of Lhasa City, AMI 1995
M. Buckley, Tibet: The Bradt Travel Guide, Bradt Travel Guides 2003
B. Mayhew, J. Bellezza, T. Wheeler, Ch. Taylor, Lonely Planet Tibet (7th Edition), Lonely Planet 2008
C. Roos, The Mount Kailash Trek: A Trekker’s and Visitor’s Guide, Cicerone Press 2008
M. Akester, Jamyang Kyhentse Wangpo’s Guide to Central Tibet, Serindia 2014
S. Pritchard-Jones, B. Gibbons, A Trekking Guide to Upper and Lower Dolpo, CreateSpace 2014
S. Smith, The Monasteries of Amdo: A Comprehensive Guide to the Monasteries of the Amdo Region of Tibet, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2013
A. Bareja-Starzyńska, M. Mejor, Klasyczny język tybetański, W.A. Dialog 2002
Sarat Chandra Das, Tibetan-English Dictionary, Book Faith India 1992 (1902)
M. Goldstein, English-Tibetan Dictionary of Modern Tibetan, University of California Press 1984
Tashi Tshering, Ying Zang Han Duizhao Cidian (English-Tibetan-Chinese Dictionary), Beijing 1991
Anil Gupta, Conversational English-Tibetan Dictionary, New Delhi 1992
Y. N. Roerich, Tibet-Russian-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Parallels, Nauka Publishers 1983-87
A. Csoma de Koros, Tibetan-English Dictionary, Gaurav Publishing House 1991
Ch. Bell, English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary, Shihlin 1984
Lama Kazi Dawasamdup, An English-Tibetan Dictionary, Calcutta 1919
H.A. Jaschke, A Tibetan-English Dictionary, Kegan Paul 1949
Tsepak Rigzin, Tibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Terminology, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives 1997
Khetsun Sangpo, Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives 1973
Yonten Gyatso, Dictionary of Tibetan Materia Medica, Motilal Banarsidass 1998
S.V. Beyer, The Classical Tibetan Language, Sri Satguru 1993
M. Goldstein, Essentials of Modern Literary Tibetan, University of California Press 1991
S. Hodge, An Introduction to Classical Tibetan, Aris and Phillips 1990
A. Bloomfield, Yanki Tshering, Learning Practical Tibetan, Snow Lion 1998
M. Goldstein (red.), The New Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan, University of California Press 2001
J. Samuels, Colloquial Tibetan: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge 2013